Governors Cup Celebration
Arizona Wine Month Festival
March 25, 2023

Register now for the official Arizona Wine Month Festival and Governor’s Cup Celebration. You do not have to participate in the Governor’s Cup Competition to participate in the AZ Wine Month Festival.

Arizona Wine Month Festival
March 25, 2023 10am-5pm
Steele Indian School Park
300 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ

You can register from your phone or your computer a phone, but it will be a little easier on a computer as you can see the whole screen at once.

To register for the festival, we have a new application that will help simplify vendor registration. It is a 2 step process.

Step 1: You only have to sign up once (ever) and then you can register for each AWGA event through the portal. Sign up is easy. Enter your email, receive an email link, fill out your settings (contact information) and save it.

Step 2: You will then have the opportunity to register for any and all AWGA Wine Events. Each time you return to access the portal, you will either remain logged in, or if you get logged out, you will submit your SAME email address again. For this event, find Arizona Wine Month Festival and click “Register.” Here you will be asked to upload your typical documents such as insurance certificates and liquor license application. You will have an opportunity to view the registration page, download sample forms and go back later to upload your forms and complete your registration. Unlike the forms we have used in the past, you can upload over and over to your account replacing incorrect forms as necessary.

Click HERE To Sign Up For The Festival & Celebration!

If you do want to participate in the Governor’s Cup, please submit your wines here:

Wine Submission Form

Click HERE for competition information.

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